Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Rise and Whine

I hate mornings.

This morning, the ringing of the alarm at 6:30 a.m. was extremely loud. I think someone moved the setting to "LOUD." I hate being the first person to wake up in the house. I know. I'm a terrible housewife and mother. My children never wake to the sound of me singing while I fry bacon in the kitchen.

I open my bedroom door and notice Babygirl has turned on her light already. She's awake early, too. Then I smell it. She has had an explosion in her diaper. I have changed thousands of diapers in my lifetime and this was the worst. I will spare you the details--like how the diarrhea covered her stomach--and just tell you that I had to carefully strip her and put her straight into the bathtub.

I hollered to my husband (who was still in bed because he's taking the week off) so he could help me. I was expecting DaycareKid to arrive any second and realized I couldn't get the door if I were bathing Babygirl. So, my husband ran the bathwater--he added bubbles, though, which was a big mistake. Babygirl hates bubbles. She screamed during the whole bath (which lasted about three minutes).

She's been clinging all morning and fell asleep on the floor just now while watching Sesame Street. I suppose she has a little tummy bug. She's been eating and drinking all morning, though.

My husband took the boys out to lunch. Yesterday, he took them to spend their birthday money, so everyone has new video games and they are mostly not arguing.

A new friend of mine shared with me her secret for dealing with birthdays for kids older than 10. She offers them $100 in cash--in lieu of a party and birthday gift. I offered my kids this deal, and even though it cost me $200, it saved me stress, hassle and money! And I don't have to sit at Odyssey I while a bunch of pre-teen boys holler around me and play laser tag. What a brilliant idea! Their actual birthday is tomorrow, so we'll have cake and sing Happy Birthday and take pictures.

Half-way through Spring Break. Someday, I will have Spring Break, too, and I will read a lot of novels and lay in the sun and shop for an entire week straight.
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