Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The View From Here

Rosie is on "The View" this morning. I've always liked Rosie. We're almost the same age. Our kids are close in ages. Of course, she has a Kelli and I don't and she's a rabid Democrat and I'm not, but still. I like her. I liked her in "A League of Their Own," I liked her in "Sleepless in Seattle," and I liked her show. A lot. I even liked her when she lit into the hunky Tom Selleck over gun control. (Everyone has a bad day. Her outburst shocked me, but I am loyal and overlooked her bad manners.) I liked her obsession with the short little man, Tom Cruise. (I like him, too, though I am a little queasy over his newest girlfriend, and I do mean girl-friend.)

I still like her, even though she is somewhat shrill in her denunciation of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. She says we should never have invaded a sovereign nation. Should we ever?

It all started, of course, when the United States of America broke her original policy of isolationism. We entered World War I.. Do you realize that nine million soldiers died in that conflict? Nine million. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-MILLION. (I just learned this again when my 6th grade boys covered this unit in history. I was stunned. Nine million!)

I'm no historian. I bet Rosie isn't either. Yet she has it all figured out and all I have are questions. Should our country simply mind our own business? And if so, can I please have a refund of my tax dollars that were sent overseas in humanitarian aid and loans to third-world countries? Do we have a responsibility as a rich republic to come to the aid of other countries? Should we ever interfere in other countries? (What about World War II? Should we have left England and France and their Allies to contend with Hitler alone, even though our prior intervention in World War I set the stage for World War II?)

I admire the passion of people who know they are right and that everyone who disagrees with them is simply rabid in some way or another (rabid Republican, rabid Right-Wing Christian, rabid housewife). I do. Really, I do. I wish I knew I were right, so completely right--but even more, I wish I had all the irrefutable facts and inexhaustible knowledge of history to make sense of it all.

Oh, and I still like Rosie. (And while I'm talking about celebrities, can I just say how ridiculous I find it that Christian Slater was arrested for allegedly touching a woman's backside? Arrested? Seriously now, if a man touched your bottom in public on a sidewalk, would you have him arrested? It just seems like an overreaction to me. A person with a sense of humor might scold Mr. Slater loudly, invoking Miss Manners. "Dear Gentle Reader: If a celebrity accosts you on a sidewalk and gropes your posterior, remain dignified and inform the celebrity of the error of his ways." What a silly goose, calling the police like a giant tattle-tale.)


Blogger tlawwife said...

Here here!

2:46 PM  
Blogger Pilgrim said...

I did not like her when she pitched into Tom Selleck.
It peeves me when actors/actresses come across as if their political opinion counts more than that of the guy pumping gas on the corner.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

I can't stand Tom Cruise.

I'm only absolutely sure about a few very sacred things.

And, that I cannot stand Tom Cruise.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Shelly said...

The Tom Selleck thing was the end of Rosie for me. I had liked her up until that point. I did try to watch her show a few times after that - just seemed to have lost her "class."

I never liked Tom Cruise. He's only a man - and what did Rosie get all crazy about anyway????? She wanted a Kelli...

5:05 PM  
Blogger Shelly said...

How exciting, I was actually able to comment. Since you only except "blogger" folks the link is to my old blog...also, I got your feed to work today. I really tried several times to get you in my feeds. Maybe blogger was holding a grudge now that I'm gone, and it's finally gotten over it!

5:07 PM  
Blogger Eyes for Lies said...

I ADORE Rosie. She and I think EXACTLY ALIKE on everything -- outside of movies and Hollywood.

She rocks! Do you read her blog?

6:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I liked Tom Cruise in Interview with the Vampire and Magnolia. He was pretty good in Collateral as well. I've had a crush on his new girlfriend for longer than he has.

And I'm a pacifist.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

I liked Rosie early on, but she turned rabid...like she was pissed off at the world or something. Can't stand her now. Tommy boy gives me the creeps, especially when he laughs :::shudder:::

7:32 PM  
Blogger Christi said...

I used to like Rosie, but I think she went a little whacko for a while there. Haven't really paid her much attention since.

I'm a little wary about Tom's new girl, too. I hear he wants to ask her to marry him. Ummm, what!

8:24 PM  
Blogger Kendra said...

My grandfather and great uncle were 2 of the 9 million casualties of WWI... I can't say that they died for a stupid reason. Ask any holocaust victim if we should have participated in WWII. Or ask those present at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked. Does anyone remember the griping that went on after the Indian Ocean Tsunami in December when America was chastised for not giving enough money??? I could go on, but I don't have the energy right now.

I used to like Rosie too until she became a complete fruit-loop with her behavior. (And I'm not referring to her sexual preference... I'm referring to Tom Selleck.) Tom Cruise, I also used to like, until he too became a little fruity -- and he's downright silly about his LLLOOOOVVVEEE for his new flame. Did you see him on Oprah? I was embarrassed.

And another thing: I'm totally with you on the Christian Slater-bum-rub incident. Give me a break! Arresting a guy for that? Really???

Anyway, great post! I can always trust you to make me think.

5:24 AM  
Blogger Feeble Knees said...

I wish I had all the irrefutable facts and inexhaustible knowledge of history to make sense of it all

Ah, but there's the irony, right? The more history one learns, the harder it is to be as black and white in one's thinking as Ms. O'Donnell's.

I generally have no interest in listening to actors, musicians, etc. spout off about social or political issues. My attitude: shut up and act/sing/whatever it is you do! ;)

6:36 AM  
Blogger whispers said...

i have my feelings fluctuate about Rosie, she does not have a consistent ethic, and that is a big negative in my book...but the bottom touching "star" i have to disagree with you. My first reaction too, was "oh come on!" but on second reflection, that was an inappropriate touch, and too long women have allowed their bodies to be violated (big or small violations) and said nothing. I give the tattle tale a standing ovation for not letting it go. It is hard to day to stand up for what is right...and touching is not right if its not right....we need our children to see these examples so they know they can stand up and say NO!
(sorry...this is something i get strident about)

9:53 AM  
Blogger Gina said...

Hubba-hubba and I were debating the other day on if it was the role of government to "support" people, whether in our own country or another.

He was against intervention and saying private donations were the way to go. I was for some private, some government.

There are no easy answers, and I guess it boils down to ideological differences in what role government should play in personal lives.

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm despicable. I offer no loyalty to any celebrities. Odd? Maybe. To me they are just people who have a talent. I have talent too. The main distinction is that their talent earns them a lot of money and a large audience to hear their pomp-ass opinnions... me well... I get no money and a small following on my blog! LOL!

Anyway, I thought Rosie O'Donnel is very funny as an actress ad a talk show host... but I don't take celebrities very seriously when they start publicly debating politics. They're actors for god's sake! They're not intelligence analysts or political gurus. They have about as much information as the general public does, and they do what everyone else in the general public does... they spout opinnions! They just feel a little more important about it because of the danged audience they know they already have captivated.

I don't like Tom as a person, never really have, but I must say he did an awesome job in "The Last Samurai". I do not agree with the cradle robbing though. What is the man thinking?

And Christian... aahhh if ever there was a celeb I could fall in love with... oh wait... was that out loud? I'd probably let him get away witha little goose just on account of his sweet face, but anyone else would probably be smacked and receive a good dressing down... I wouldn't have them arrested.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Lora said...

My view is that it's the people who act like they're right all the time, actually have the most doubts. People who are secure in their believes can dicuss their opnions, only doubters need to shout.

12:15 AM  
Blogger Melodee said...

Hillary, nice to see you again. Actually, I have enjoyed exchanging emails with Elizabeth (I often answer comments in email if the commenter leaves an email address). :)

12:24 PM  
Blogger Melodee said...


You give me way too much credit. Have a happy life.

9:15 PM  
Blogger eyes_only4him said...

dang...I would love for an a list..(in this case a b-list) celebrity grab my butt..oh I can dream cant I.....Much agreed about Rosie..I was a big fan till she got ont eh big political banwagon and became a hpyocrit..she now doesnt allow her childern to watch televison while only a few years ago she prasied and made milloins from being on it...and I am a libral..but she is way bent out there on the left..she needs a litlte tweeking I say..:-)

3:41 PM  
Blogger Jan said...

If a celebrity accosts you on a sidewalk and gropes your posterior, remain dignified and inform the celebrity of the error of his ways: "What a silly goose!"

(The way I read it the first time! LOL)

4:08 PM  

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