Sunday, February 22, 2004

Stuff I Hate

In no particular order:

1) Getting out of bed in the morning;
2) Raw tomatoes;
3) Macaroni and cheese, especially Kraft;
4) Stupidity;
5) Paying bills;
6) Telemarketers;
7) Wearing pantyhose;
8) Pet birds;
9) Stepping in dog poop;
10) Sticky kitchen counters;
11) Stepping into something wet with stocking feet;
12) Dusting;
13) Long car rides;
14) Paying for car repairs;
15) Inconvenient parking places;
16) Losing things;
17) Clutter;
18) Going to the dentist;
19) Being too hot;
20) Thieves and liars;
21) My ex-sister's behavior;
22) Divorce;
23) Bad breath;
24) Pretentiousness;
25) Big, loud parties;
26) Feeling ill;
27) Failure;
28) Being ripped off;
29) Disappointing my children or my husband;
30) Losing my train of thought;
31) Wearing a hole in the knee of my jeans;
32) Licking a popsicle stick or wooden spoon;
33) Hearing a fork hit someone's teeth while they eat;
34) Cold sores;
35) The monotony of housework.


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