My Cute Little Baby Face

Babygirl is boycotting nap-time. Instead, she's putting a red and white checked hat onto her head, then flipping it onto the floor and laughing maniacally. She's watching Teletubbies do some kind of scary dance and occasionally she falls down, too. I just took her picture with the red hat over her face and the flash distracted her, so she dropped the hat and ran across the room with great glee. Now, how can a child who would not nap today be so cheerful?
The boys will be home from school and alas, I have turned into Old Mother Hubbard and my cupboard is bare. I need to go to the grocery store. My husband has had meetings at night for so many days in a row. I will have to go tonight. I'm going to make Hamburger Helper tonight. How pathetic is that? I won't eat it, of course, but my kids like it. And it cost a dollar on sale.
Today is the 100th day of school. YoungestBoy took one hundred Pokemon cards to school. His homework was to draw what he would buy with one hundred dollars. He didn't even consider spending his fictional one hundred dollars on anything but 25 packs of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I hate Yu-Gi-Oh cards so much, not only because they are addicting to small boys, but also because I despise Japanese Anime'..
My family room, the central room in our house, is in complete disarray. My computer desk has accumulated papers and magazines and a newspaper from last week, in addition to a small pile of used tissues. DaycareKid has a runny nose, again. There are scattered Cheerios on the floor, the toybox has been emptied and there is a precariously stacked pile of folded laundry on the back of the couch. The wall still needs to be repainted red. The dry clothes need to be folded and the wet clothes need to be put in the dryer and the dirty clothes need to be washed.
And here I sit because all these tasks never disappear. They reappear just like those horrible birthday candles that you can't blow out. I often tell my husband it's like pushing a boulder up a hill, just like that Greek guy I can never remember. (Remind me to take a course on Greek Mythology in my next life.) Click here if your knowledge of Greek mythology is as deficient as mine..
Okay. Time to speed clean. 1 - 2 - 3 - GO!
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