Happy Rain

Last week, Babygirl learned an important skill. YoungestBoy taught her to jump in mud puddles. Here they are, stomping with glee. I am the kind of mother who says, "Hey, it's washable," and then I take pictures. This philosophy has carried me through many messy times. I have pictures of a baby with paint on his whole face (TwinBoyB), a picture of twin babies with poop smeared all over them and the carpet (The Poop Incident) and of course, random pictures of kids covered in mud.
Today, the sun shone and Babygirl insisted on going outside. She's learned to climb onto the Little Tikes plastic slide contraption and then she sits and slides. When she lands on her bottom she says, "Uh-oh!"
The days have been so much more pleasant since Babygirl has resumed napping. I almost feel like a human again.
TwinBoyB and YoungestBoy went to the dentist today for check-ups and cleanings. I was relieved to hear that they are both cavity-free. YoungestBoy had a lot of dental work the year he turned four, so I always worry about his teeth now. My husband took them and reported that YoungestBoy entertained everyone in the waiting room with his math skills.
Last night I goofed off so long talking about my red wall and my mother's hideous fashion sense that I never painted the wall.
I just realized that I need to run to the store for milk and bread, so I leave you with a raindrops-keep-falling-on-my-head shot of YoungestBoy:

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