Thursday, June 10, 2004


I like to think I'm an easy-going person. When Al called today to let me know that he may or may not have the transcription for me to type this weekend, I say, "Hey, no problem. Just let me know." When Della told me she could not coordinate the preschool area of Vacation Bible School, I said, "I completely understand. It's okay." When DaycareMom telephones to say she'll be half an hour late picking up DaycareKid, I say, "Don't worry about it. We're fine." See? Easy-going. Laid-back. Calm.

I just have a few rules I'd like everyone to follow.

1) The bathroom trashcan. This trash can is not for magazines, dry-cleaning plastic and giant manila envelopes that came in the mail. This trashcan is for tiny, delicate bits of trash, like dental floss and q-tips and wadded up tissues. Nothing more. So quit putting over-sized trash in it!

2) The remote control. When you are finished watching television, please turn it off and then return the remote control to its rightful home. As you know, the correct location for this item is in the green recliner, tucked between the seat and the arm rest. Please. As a courtesy to me, put the remote control down and slowly back away from the chair.

3) The kitchen sink. Dirty dishes are to be rinsed and then placed neatly in the left hand side of the sink. Food is never to be placed in the left hand side of the sink because the garbage disposal is in the right hand side of the sink. This may come as a surprise, but it's always been that way. Your Raisin Bran must be disposed of properly. Oh, and just so you know, the plates should be standing on edge, the bowls stacked according to size and the silverware lined up, all facing the same direction. I'll take it from there. The correct loading of the dishwasher has a complicated set of rules of its own. Trust me. I'll take care of it.

4) The bed. Make it when you get out of it. And then place the pillows (yes, all of them) across the head of the bed. Body pillow on bottom, feather pillow on top, large purple pillows next, then two small pillows. The remote control belongs on the table next to my side of the bed. And stop leaving your popsicle sticks there.

5) Trash. This one is simple. Put the trash in the proper receptable. In other words, use the trash can--but not the bathroom trash can. Use the other trash cans. Unless, of course, you can see that the kitchen trash can is full, in which case, please use common courtesy and take your big old piece of trash to the large trash can in the laundry room.

Now, if everyone would just follow these simple guidelines, life would be perfect. See how easy-going I am? And my husband says I have hundreds of rules. Ridiculous. Dozens, at the most. Dozens. Of categories. But they all make sense and have good, sound reasoning and solid scientific back-up.

Why? Because I said so.


Blogger Cindy said...

makes perfect sense to me

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If my family ever stops putting the big trash in the bathrooms, I will fall over dead. I don't think it's so much to ask either, but apparently it is.


4:34 PM  

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