Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Good News and Bad News

Good News: Babygirl is on her second nap today.
Bad News: She's sleeping because she's feverish.

Good News: My mood has improved.
Bad News: My period has started, thus my hormones have settled down.

Good News: My husband went to the grocery store for me today.
Bad News: He forgot the butter.

Good News: Tonight is Survivor.
Bad News: Survivor is just a recap show tonight.

Good News: I had enough time to wash my hair this morning in the shower.
Bad News: My legs are still stubbly.

Good News: My head doesn't hurt today.
Bad News: My throat still does.

Good News: Frozen pizza for dinner.
Bad News: Frozen pizza for dinner.

Good News: Spring is in full swing here: trees blossom, tulips bloom, perennials grow.
Bad News: Weeds are thriving and rain is falling.

Good News: I have free time while the baby naps.
Bad News: Laundry.

Perhaps I should hire myself out: for every good, I can find a bad. It's a gift, really. My husband didn't nickname me "Dreambasher" for nothing.
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