Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Final Thoughts While Freezing Rain Falls

So, my husband decides to walk to work in the Winter Wonderland and I think, Geez, I wish I could be walking to work in nice, soft, quiet snow and then sit in a nice, quiet, neat office and do nice, quiet paperwork. But no! Here I am with this runny-nosed baby and my wild hooligan children. Woe is me.

Then, after dinner, my friend calls to report that she's making gumbo and do I already have dinner plans? I say, "Yes," while glancing over at my Chicken Helper "chicken and dumplings" and pan of corn. She tells me she'll bring some over tomorrow night for my husband and me. Then she reports that she and her sons built three giant snowmen today.

I immediately think, I am such a loser. Not only did I not build a snowman--my baby hates snow, plus she has a cold and my husband went to work on a day when the entire world stayed home--I actually yelled at my kids when they tracked snow all the way from the patio door to the laundry room. When, oh when exactly will I become the mother I thought I'd be (before I had kids)? The one who sings through the days and cooks hearty meals and plays with her rosy-cheeked cherubs? I never even saw "The Sound of Music", yet I thought I'd be that singing governess, twirling my skirts in the Swiss mountains!

Of course, I also thought my kids would eat casseroles with food mixed together (gasp!) and that they'd want to do craft projects at the kitchen table while listening to gentle music. Never did I dream that I'd rule over a household full of kids who don't care if they stink and who would rather step on a pillow repeatedly than pick it up. Still.

Old dreams die hard, I guess. Now, hand me a tissue box and leave me alone!
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