Saturday, May 15, 2004

Garage Sale Signs Put Up By Idiots

Will someone please tell the idiots who put up the sign that read "7-Family Garage Sale" that I did three u-turns trying to find the garage sale?

It helps if the signs actually direct people (with money in their purse, ready to spend) to your garage sale.

I did find have success at one garage sale, though. I bought a Playskool "Sit'n Spin" which is 30 years old, though it looks brand new. Babygirl can't quite figure out how to spin around, but she does swing from side to side and say "wheeeeee!"

YoungestBoy had a baseball game schedule for 10 a.m. and when he arrived at 9:40 a.m., it was just ending. The coach called my husband's work number, late, after he left work yesterday to notify him on the time change.

Are people trying to annoy me?

By the way, Babygirl has started yelling "Mom!" at me, usually from another room. It's lovely how advanced the youngest child of the family is.

And now, only fifteen minutes until bedtime, thank heavens, or I might actually bash my head into my brick fireplace until I fall unconscious.


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