Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Out of Order

My posts are out of order due to a glitch, so be sure to scroll down a tiny bit and see my blog about blogging.

Today is the third day that Babygirl protested her naptime. She was quiet for ten minutes, hollered my name for twenty minutes, screamed and cried for ten minutes, then became silent again. I hope she's sleeping and not dead.

She talks all day now. I love how she says "fall off," when she means "fall down" or even just "fall." She adores her big brothers, especially when they push her really fast in the rocking chair or when they let her ride around on their backs as they crawl.

Yesterday, after I said I was going to read the newspaper, instead I had mercy on Babygirl and sent up one of my sons to get her out of her crib. She came walking into the kitchen, then, without a diaper or any clothing and when I said, "Did you have a good sleep?" she said, "Zes."

Funny kid. She refused to get diapered or clothed the rest of the afternoon, though she did consent to wear a pair of Barney training pants when we went outside in the backyard for a bit.

The pool is closed now, so summer has officially ended as far as I'm concerned. In a way, I feel relieved because I don't feel guilty that we aren't taking the kids to the pool to swim every day. The last day at the pool my neice and nephew came, too, along with my sister and her husband. The kids all had a great time taking underwater pictures of each other with some waterproof disposable cameras I found on clearance at Target. I can't wait to see the results.

Babygirl totally cracked me up when I realized she was calling my younger sister, "Big Old Mama," and my brother-in-law "Big Daddy." I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Perhaps I need to get out more.


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